Unpacking what's packed: DotRunPeX analysis
When, what and why As a national CERT we analyse all kinds of incidents. Some of them involve widespread APT campaigns, othertimes we just focus on everyday threats. Recently we got notified about a new malspam campaign targeting Polish users and decided to investigate. It all started with this phishing …
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CERT Polska will contribute to the CVE vulnerability database
From the beginning of August, CERT Polska, as the only institution in Poland and one of 7 CERTs in Europe, can assign CVE numbers, which are used to identify, define, and catalog publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
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Malspam campaign delivering PowerDash – a tiny PowerShell backdoor
In late April we observed a malspam campaign delivering a previously unseen PowerShell malware. We decided to provide an overview of the campaign and some of the malware capabilities. We're also dubbing this malware family as "PowerDash" because of the "/dash" path on C2 server, used as a gateway for bots.
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A tale of Phobos - how we almost cracked a ransomware using CUDA
For the past two years we've been tinkering with a proof-of-concept decryptor for the Phobos family ransomware. It works, but is impractical to use for reasons we'll explain here. Consequently, we've been unable to use it to help a real-world victim so far. We've decided to publish our findings and tools, in hope that someone will find it useful, interesting or will continue our research. We will describe the vulnerability, and how we improved our decryptor computational complexity and performance to reach an almost practical implementation.
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Artemis vulnerability scanner is now open source
The Artemis vulnerability scanner is now open source! Artemis is a tool developed by the CERT Polska team and initiated by the KN Cyber science club of Warsaw University of Technology. The tool is built to find website misconfigurations and vulnerabilities on a large scale. Thanks to its modular architecture, it can combine the results of various other tools in a single place.
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Artemis – CERT Polska verifies the cybersecurity of Polish organizations
The New Year has brought more solutions to improve the security of the Polish Internet. One of them is Artemis, a tool developed by the CERT Polska team and initiated by the KN Cyber science club of Warsaw University of Technology. Artemis was designed to look for websites misconfigurations and vulnerabilities on a mass scale. We use it to verify infrastructure of entities for which, according to the National Cyber Security System Act, incident handling is coordinated by CSIRT NASK.
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Vidar stealer campaign targeting Baltic region and NATO entities
While working on our automatic configuration extractors, we came across a rather strange-looking Vidar sample. The decrypted strings included domain names of such organizations as the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, Border Guard of Poland, Estonia and Latvia, and Ministry of the Interior of Lithuania. Automatically extracted strings from …
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Linux Injector for automated malware analysis
Guest post by our Google Summer of Code student, Manorit Chawdhry Project proposal: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#6209067233574912 Motivation Wait, what? Malware on Linux? Yup, you read it right. Linux malware isn't given much importance in our community, as Windows is the most targeted operating system for malicious attacks …
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HID simulation for DRAKVUF
Guest post by our Google Summer of Code student, Jan Gruber Project proposal: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#6703931754807296 Overview My project for GSoC 2021 was to realize an undetectable simulation of human behaviour in the VMI-based sandbox DRAKVUF, which resulted in the contribution of a plugin named hidsim - short …
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CFP Secure 2021
Why SECURE? Do you value hard work and facing challenges? Do you want to meet people like you, share your job results, look for inspiration or partners to mutual projects? You can find it all in October on our conference. We invite you to contribute to the agenda of the …
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