Sage 2.0 analysis
Introduction Sage is a new ransomware family, a variant of CryLocker. Currently it’s distributed by the same actors that are usually distributing Cerber, Locky and Spora. In this case malspam is the infection vector. Emails from the campaign contain only malicious zip file without any text. Inside zip attachment …
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Nymaim revisited
Introduction Nymaim was discovered in 2013. At that time it was only a dropper used to distribute TorrentLocker. In February 2016 it became popular again after incorporating leaked ISFB code, dubbed Goznym. This incarnation of Nymaim was interesting for us because it gained banking capabilities and became a serious threat …
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Ransomware still a threat to Polish users
During the summer holidays we observed an increased infection rate of ransomware. We mentioned this type of malware a few times already in the past (here is a description of similar malware and here is information detailing how to remove it from your computer). CERT Polska was able to acquire …
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