A quick look at a (new?) cross-platform DDoS botnet
At the beginning of December we started to observe a new botnet spreading on both Linux and Windows machines. In case of the Linux operating systems, the bot was installed through an SSH dictionary attack. The attacker logged in to compromised server and simply downloaded and executed a bot file …
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How to identify and remove the VBKlip malware?
In our previous article we described a new VB malware, named VBKlip by us, that was replacing a Bank Account Number that was copied to the Windows clipboard. In order to check whether your computer is infected you have to just simply copy a correct Bank Account Number (e.g …
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New VB malware that changes bank account number when copying from clipboard
At the start of October we started receiving reports of propagation of a new strain of unusual malware. This malware was dedicated for Polish online banking users and implemented a technique new to our market. We received a sample of this malicious software, written in Visual Basic 6. It used …
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PowerZeus Incident Case Study
CERT Polska has created a technical report about a KINS/PowerZeus infection affecting Polish online banking users. In July 2013 we obtained information about an attack on Polish online banking users. This attack utilized a new strain of malware, which had similar abilities to the previously described ZeuS family, e …
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Ransomware still a threat to Polish users
During the summer holidays we observed an increased infection rate of ransomware. We mentioned this type of malware a few times already in the past (here is a description of similar malware and here is information detailing how to remove it from your computer). CERT Polska was able to acquire …
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Takeover of Domain Silver, Inc .pl domains – updated with sinkhole statistics
On 30th of July, 2013 NASK terminate its agreement with a registrar, Domain Silver, Inc. We described the reason for that decision in a detailed technical report. Today we publish an updated version of the report with our sinkhole statistics. These statistics were made from 20 different botnets sinkholed by …
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Anti-botnet effort continues – takeover of Domain Silver, Inc .pl domains
Today we publish an overview of domains registered through Domain Silver, Inc, a registrar operating in the .pl domain. This Registrar started operating in May 2012. Since that time, the CERT Polska team started to observe a large increase in the amount of malicious domains registered in .pl and to …
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Evolution of an Android malware: the story of a friend of ZitMo
Recently we blogged about a new threat to Polish e-banking users called “E-Security”. When a user, whose machine was infected, tried to access her internet banking site she was greeted with a message that instructed her to install “E-Security Certificate” application on her Android phone. This “certificate” was nothing more …
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ZeuS-P2P internals – understanding the mechanics: a technical report
At the beginning of 2012, we wrote about the emergence of a new version of ZeuS called ZeuS-P2P or Gameover. It utilizes a P2P (Peer-to-Peer) network topology to communicate with a hidden C&C center.This malware is still active and it has been monitored and investigated by CERT Polska …
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Malware campaign on Polish governmental site
CERT Polska and CERT.GOV.PL recently discovered a website in the gov.pl domain that has been a part of malware campaign at least since the beginning of May 2013. The page contained a JavaScript code that added a hidden iframe which redirected to the exploit kit. Next, with …
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